Rosh Chodesh


Blessings of the New Moon

Join us for an online experience together bringing in the New Month for the New Moon commandment.

We meet on Zoom every month on the Erev (Evening, the day before) at 7:00pm (Central) of the Rosh (Head) Chodesh (Month).  See our schedule below for dates.

Zoom Meeting Link:

Meeting ID:  878 1128 3336

Password:  Rosh2020

Hebrew Months

Every month has a special theme with blessings !

Nissan - March 

Nissan is the first month of the Hebrew calendar!  It begins the Spring Holidays with Pesach (Passover) when the Passover of the death of the first born occurred.  Then in 2020, we experienced the Passover of COVID-19.  Seven days of unleavened bread, Day of First Fruits and the 7 Sabbaths plus one day of counting of the Omer!

Iyyar -Apr

The month of Iyyar is the continued counting of the Omer and holds the day of our Lords Ascension on day 40.  

Sivan - May

Sivan holds the climax to the Spring festivals with the conclusion of counting the Omer to Shavuot (Pentecost), the 50th day!

Tammuz - June 22, 2020

Erev is on June 21, however since this date is also Father's Day, our Zoom  will be held at the end of the first day at 7:00pm CST on Monday, June 22d.  Click here

Av - July 22, 2020 

Av is a solum month of  remembrance for several occurrences in the history of God's people, from the destruction of the 1st and 2d Holy Temples to the Six Day War.  

Elul - August 31, 2020

We start to pick back up as fall season is drawing near.  This month is known for having the King in the field.  The Book of Ruth is read as a reminder of Ruth's redemption.  Ruth, who was a Moabite, chose to be part of God's people and become a Mother in Yeshua's bloodline.

Tishrie - Sept 19, 2020

The kickoff to the fall festivals aka "High Holidays" begins on Rosh Chodesh-Tishrie with the Feast of Trumpets.  Shofars are sounded for at least 100 times in all directions calling out to every one in the four corners of the earth.  The Day of Atonement follows 10 days later which is the Highest Holy Day in the Jewish culture.  Just five days later the 7 day feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles) is celebrated and concludes with Shimni Atzeret and 

Cheshvan - Oct 16, 2020

After all the excitement of the fall feasts, Cheshvan is welcome reprieve with no holidays occurrence.

Kislev - November 17, 2020

In Kislev we find the wonderful celebration of the Maccabean revolt where they  regained control over the 2d Temple from the bad guys.  To sanctify the Holy of Holies, they only had one days worth of holy oil for the Menorah.  It takes eight days properly process this special oil from olives.  They lit the menorah and that one day's oil burned continuously until the new oil was available.  We observe this remembrance through the celebration of the eight nights of Chanukah.  The light grows each night as another candle is lit until all eight candles plus the servant candle shine ever so brightly during the shortest day-time of the year! Only God can put this together!

Tevet - December 17, 2020

In some years this month occurs as Chanukah is concluding.

Sh'vat - January 2021

It's a new day as we begin to plant new trees in Tu B'Sh'vat (Tasting of the Trees).  In Sh'vat we have a mini-seder as we taste of God's goodness in the trees He provides for us!

Adar - February 2021

Did you God's name is never mentioned in the Book of Esther however God is actually hidden within!  Often, in celebration, a party is held in remembrance of Queen Esther's favor delivering God's people from genocide by the evil of that time. 


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